Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~Of Life and Death...

Right now..

It's one of those times

you realise, you shouldn't have dived

into this unknown deep sea..

Maybe, just maybe

you should have looked at what

you're putting yourself into,

before doing so..

Now you are drowning in the sea..

You've had this feeling before,

but then you knew where you were

and what you were doing

It was not a mistake..

but now this is..

a terrible mistake..

You don't understand

how silly you could have possibly been,

to think that this sea was giving you happiness

All you know now,

is that it's suffocating you..

You are gasping for breath..

Trying to call out for help..

All in vain..

You are crying,

but no one can see your tears in the water..

You can't take it any more,

You wish you could just get over with all this suffering

and Die..

You are going deeper and deeper..

It's getting darker and darker..

Not a single soul in sight..

You're alone in the dark..

But now, you aren't struggling

You cant' move at all

and so, you have let go

of all effort..

You are now going with the flow of the sea,

The occasional currents sway you around,

but it doesn't matter to you..

There cannot be death after death..

Once you've reached the ends of pain and suffering,

And crossed it,

There is nothing left that can tear you apart..

Just when you think this is the end,

You realise this is just the beginning..

You are slowly starting to float..

Even if you are all alone and have lost all hope,

The sea wishes to see you alive..

She rises you, higher and higher..

Yes, you can see the ray of light,

The beautiful ray of light, shining into the water..

It holds your hands with love..

You feel the warmth,

and experience something

you have never experienced before..

The happiness of rejuvenation..of Rebirth..

It pulls you out to a new Life...

A new beginning..

And a happy little baby is born..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I stand at the border..
I am being pulled apart..
I am trying to stay where i am,
forcing myself to stay where i am..
because i don't know what's there for me on my either side..
I am scared, confused..

I want to stay where I am
and yet see what's happening on both sides..
But how can I?
What if I fall to one side
and that was not the side meant to be?
Will I be able to escape to the other side?
Where is my guardian angel?
Why am I all alone?
I stand alone,
crying like an innocent baby,
not knowing whom to ask for help..

What if I choose to stay right here?
..but i know it would be far better Dying
than staying right here forever..
because living a stagnant life just because you fear to move on,
is not living at all..
I m still confused and scared..
This must be how a little bird feels,
when it is going to take its first flight..

This must mean it is my time to fly now..
To explore the endless possibilities..
face all the dangers,overcome all fears,
take risks, not get disheartened with failures,
just keep flying..
Being alone needn't make me scared,
after all, it means that i am free..
free to glide through the air..

I realise that I am my master,
that there is no one who can stop me..
stop me in my journey,
towards Infinity...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

* A whole new world *

Open your eyes to a new world..
Where you are alone yet tranquil..
Where you are observing every movement,
every sound, every emotion..
yet you aren't disturbed..
Everything around you looks beautiful
even though it is the same old things you have been seeing everyday.
you aren't sad or happy,
just observing..
not trying hard to do it though.
It is dark everywhere
but there are candles lit around,
the small flame bringing infinite light and fulfilment..
You can smell the fragrance of flowers..
hear nature's music..
you don't have anything binding you..
time, society, relationships, ego, concepts, nothing..
just complete freedom.
Enjoy this moment..
Let your thoughts flow like a gentle stream..
Experience the silence
outside and inside...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Tomorrow cannot be today,

and today is definitely not yesterday.

Today is 'the' day..

The day u'll never regret anything..

the day u can change everything.

So look around and see its beauty,

and be happy that u lived today.

who cares if tomorrow is the end??

it's tomorrow rite?not today! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Love is like rain,
Pure and beautiful..
Sometimes it's as sweet and simple
as a drizzle,
sometimes painful and harsh
like a storm...
When it's not there
there's a void,
and when it keeps raining for a long time
its value is forgotten..
Without rain, the earth can't sustain,
and without love, we can't...
so even when there is a flood or a storm,
just remember-it's all just a part of the reason for your existence.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

" Freebird "

Put no barriers,No limits!
Don't stop yourself!
Do you think it is right?
Then go on with it!
Why the hesitation??

Stop thinking so much!!
Take breaks...not always :)
but take it..a real break,
away from Everything!!

See the beauty of life..
Be thankful.
Open your eyes, your mind .. and your heart.

If things look blurred,
wipe your glasses :)
Life is NOT short!!Live it!!
It's not going to get over any time soon,
It will only when it has to,
and you will know when that is :)


To be what you are..
To do what you feel like doing..
To not care what others think about it..
To let others to all this too..
And be happy about it.